Monday 14 March 2016

The time I attempted to give a boy my number

I was out riding my bike one sunny Saturday morning. I was riding into town to pick up the car that I'd left parked there the night before. It was a hot day, but it had literally been years since I'd last ridden a bike and so I was riding fast and enjoying myself. Enjoying my dorky helmet considerably more than I should have been.

When I finally reached my car I dismounted and unlocked the car. I opened the boot, put the seats down and started trying to put my bike in.


I realised rather quickly.

'This is why people have bike racks on their cars'.

I must have struggled with the stupid thing for about 15 minutes, pissing off a bunch of cars who were waiting to take my parking space. Finally, I admitted defeat and decided I would have to ride to my friends house and ask him for help.

It was at that moment that I noticed the bike chain had fallen off...and I had no lock to secure the bike in place and drive for help. It was also one of those rare days that I'd decided I wouldn't need a phone either and had left it at home Well great. JUUUUUST GREAT.

I was stuck.

Fortunately for me I noticed I was parked out the front of a surf shop. In my head I was like 
'Surfing = skate boarding = bike riding'. Joining dots I figured were obvious, I decided to go in and ask for help. I walked up to the manager and asked,

'Does anyone in here know how to put a bike chain back on?'

'err...I think one of our guys should be able to'

She calls out and a guy walks over. He was like... 
This gorgeous, 6'+, muscly, bearded, dark hair and blue blue eyes greek adonis.

And of course... I was like...

And in standard fashion this scenario starts playing out in my head; That I'm the main character of a rom com. This is the day before Valentines day and 'oh god! (cue damsel in distress) my bike!'
(cue unrealistically attractive/skilled/kind gentleman) 'Don't fret miss. I'll save you'

It can't be true. And yet... it is. It's happening. 

So anyway, of course, like a gob smacked idiot, I just stand there awkwardly and stare as this gorgeous boy fixes my bike. 

He's even smiling up at me an trying to talk to me, and I am just too intimidated and out of my element that I don't answer with anything remotely intelligible. When he's finished I literally just snatch the bike out of his hands and ride away. 

Like... I didn't say goodbye. Didn't say thank you.

Ran away. 

So I get back to my mates house, and I gush to them,

'The guy! The guy at the store! He was SO CUTE! He fixed my bike! He SAVED ME. SO. CUTE.  SO GOSH DARN CUTE. WHY!!??? WHY DID I RUN!!?? Why did I FLEE???'

As I endured their teasing I sat there and thought; what is wrong with me that, as a 24 year old I couldn't even hold a conversation with this guy? and so as Valentines Day rolled around I began to convince myself that I had to go back. That I would forever regret not doing this...and what was the worst he could say? No? I have a girl friend? 

Nothing ventured, nothing gained I reasoned.

So, the next day, Valentines Day, I went back.

When I walked in the door I was trembling. So nervous. So very, very nervous.

I glanced around the store and saw him talking to some customers. I could have browsed the store like a normal person might, waiting until he was free. Instead I stood there like this

Just waiting... like a complete creep until he was free. And then finally. FINALLY he was, and trembling, I advanced.

'Hi' I said.
'Hi'  He replied.
'You fixed my bike yesterday' I said.
'Yeah' he agreed. 'I did'.

There was a bit of a pause...and in that silence I freaked out. I opened my mouth again to speak and the next thing I said was;

'I was too sweaty yesterday...but I've had a shower since then'

...'too sweaty'...

...'too sweaty'...

...'too sweaty'...

WTF Elyse.

So then...mortified, I mumbled some garbage about buying him a drink to say thank you, threw a piece of paper with my number on it at him and  RAN AWAY before getting an answer.

I ran away from him. Again. After telling him I have a sweat problem. 

Like a big, sweaty coward.

So... I'm sitting in my car. Recuperating. Trying to understand why I would deliberately  commit treason against myself, and my phone buzzed with a text.

It was an unknown number. 

It was him.

'Hi Elyse. It's Harrison from the store. 
You caught me off guard when you came in earlier.
I'd actually love to take you up on your offer to get a drink later today...
...however I'm still only 17'

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I made an utter fool of myself over an overdeveloped minor.

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