Monday 3 October 2011

My First Post

So, when I first decided that I was going to write a blog about my time here at WCU I got really really excited.
I was all like, Whoo! I'm going to illustrate it, I'm going to be really funny- and also surprisingly informative so that when I am older  I will look back on this as a sort of diary. In fact. It will become a record through the ages. One that my children, my grand children, my great grand children my great great! etc... will look back on and marvel. This will be a place for me to record my stories, my histories, my legends. They will outlive me. Outlive time itself. I. WILL. BE. A. GOD.

And amidst such great excitement I rocked back slightly on my chair...
Now. Before we go any further. Just look carefully at the design of the chair in the picture...

Someone, clearly, had a Homer Simpson moment when designing this chair. Instead of just having a NORMAL CHAIR, UPON WHICH A NORMAL HUMAN BEING CAN SIMPLY SIT UPON NORMALLY.  Or, having a ROCKING CHAIR, UPON WHICH A NORMAL HUMAN BEING CAN SIMPLY ROCK UPON NORMALLY some genius chair designer out there decided to invent a chair which can provide you with (yay!):

- the nauseating sensation of falling backwards, (you know the one. Where your stomach drops out from underneath you and you think you're about to smack and split your skull on the floor, and this will be accompanied by blood and pain. Lots of pain)

I have no doubt that the designer intended this to be swiftly followed by the relief of remembering that your chair has this weird angular feature which will prevent that.

I don't know if any of you have ever experienced a chair designed like this but for me there is never any, ANY sensation of relief. All that accompanies this terrible experience is . . .


I hate. hate. hate that chair. So freaking. much.
I just hate it.

Which is why, even though I am starting week 6 here at Western Carolina University and have been incredibly lax about keeping any sort of documentation about it, you are hearing about this chair.

You know what? First night in. THE VERY FIRST NIGHT, being all excited and bubbly about being in my new dorm. I rocked back on that chair, freaked out, was saved at the last minute by the retarded angular feature (the RAF, as I will call it from here on) and said to my room mate Jennie. 

Me: Wow. This is going to catch me out more than once. I can just tell.

I have never spoke truer words in my whole life. 


And for the moment I am just still so mad at the chair and its RAF that I am going to go now, and will write some more another time.


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