Saturday 19 September 2015

TEWTs (Tactically Exhausting Warrior Tests)

Or, more officially known as 'Tactical Exercise Without Troops', they are such a cause of stress and anxiety in the college that I feel compelled to write about them and try to explain them. Maybe now next time we have a conversation and I try to tell you how bad the current TEWT is, you may be able to understand a little better.

So firstly, imagine a game of chess. You've got all your pieces and they all have differing abilities and rules about where they can and can't go, right? This is basically what a TEWT is. You're given a scenario and you're told what assets you have to help solve it.

You're also given an opponent to play against. However imagine that the opponent has about three times the amount of pieces you have, and every single one of those pieces has a different set of rules and abilities to your own pieces. They're stronger, better equipped and on the whole, more powerful.

So now, imagine that you take away the chessboard and you have to now just remember all these variants and rules off the top of your head. You have paper you can write it down on of course, but it's basically like playing chess theoretically. You've just got to remember where everyone is and what they're doing and what they can do. The number of pieces you have, the opponent has, and all their individual abilities.

From this, you've got to come up with a plan that works and then, you have to write it down in a way that PROVES it works. It takes roughly 8 hours to do.

So from there, 8 hours later, exhausted, brain strained and haggard, you hand it into an instructor who, despite the fact that your plan makes sense and you've obviously analysed the situation...they decide that your air assets, while effective, don't necessarily guarantee cut off of the enemy withdrawal. And because of that one tiny differing of opinion of something you wouldn't know unless you've actually been in operations, working with air assets in real life, you fail.

If you fail the wrong TEWT at the wrong time you could find yourself doing an extra 6 months at the college doing 'retraining'.

So... TEWTs. In short. They suck.