Monday 1 June 2015

Neville Howse

There is a house in Duntroon called Neville House, even though it’s actually Neville Howse.
How to describe Neville House…
It’s a little feared by cadets because not only is it the place people are sent when they are injured (and who wants to be injured?) but often it seems like people are sent to Nevs and then just…disappear. It’s like the black hole of RMC. A black hole full of mish mashed injured people who have been left behind by their class, some who have even have seen multiple graduations pass them by. Unfortunately because the vast majority of the cadets don’t know the names or stories of those in Nevs, or understand anything which goes on in there, there is a general understanding that the cadets there are ‘lingers’.

‘What do they even DO all day? Do they do ANYTHING? Are they allowed pets? I bet they have pets. I bet they all have cats’.

In fact, before I was sent there myself, my only interaction with the people of Nevs was that I saw them from afar, limping around, forced to be the creepy, cat loving caretakers of the college (much like Filch) while the rest of the Corps are out on battleblock.

I had this vague idea in my head that they all looked a little bit like this.

A few weeks spent with them over May revealed to me the surprising truth...

...Most of the cadets in Nevs are sexy, genius, nerd ninjas.

It really is the most bizarre phenomenon. It’s as if some sick twisted vortex has sucked its way through the college and injured only one specific type of person. I don’t think you could pluck ten people from anywhere in the college (or the world) and have them be as uniquely intelligent, hilarious or as into martial arts as the Nevs cadets.

Being in with the Nevs crowd was a reality check for me.
I couldn’t really sit there moping about my ankle for 4 weeks (like I initially wanted to) when there were people around me displaying such extraordinary resilience and determination. How could I complain about my stupid temporary injury to the people dealing with the reality of upcoming surgery? Or their frustration with the system and debating whether or not to push to try enter the Corps again…to start with a new class again for the second, or even third time.
Their positivity and strength put me and my whingyness to shame.

To those who are curious, the things I did in Nevs was a lot more of what I thought Duntroon was going to be like. Gym twice a day, with lessons all day in between. We did public speaking and presentation skills, military history lessons, comms and navigation practice. Every Friday involved some form of ethical debate and a more thorough look at military law and skills in order to one day manage soldiers and people. It was less about tanks and destruction and more about thought and interaction. Becoming a good leader not necessarily through the ‘Alpha male’ style of leadership, but through your own distinct style.
I loved it.

So this post here is a little tribute to some of the best people I know and some of my favorite memories of the past 4 weeks:

1)    Being excluded from ‘Boys night’ with Sully, and then turning ‘Girls night’ into the superior (and arguably more masculine) evening

2)    Anderson stepping up for the debate at the last minute and proclaiming that ‘Since the 7 day war there has been relative peace in Israel’

3)    Being told off by Mocha for lending a pair of ADF issued runners… chastised for falling short of being like Jesus

4)    Any time Gash said anything during that debate

5)    Gains

6)    Ando’s ‘vegan powers’ and the 11 seconds.

7)    “Hey…Ando called. He wants his string beans back”

8)    Sting Pong

9)    The constant and unapologetic bus tossing

10)  Sleep overs with Sully

11)  The Great Chess Tournament of ‘15

12)  Luring in small children with dinosaurs

13)  Progressively removing Sully’s letters from her room and hiding them around the building

14)  Gash’s name badge mysteriously turning up in a block of ice

15)  Conquering Westeros

16)  Punning with Newman

17)  The Great Escape plans

18)  Finally oscillating with Tyler

19)  Being the moonboot crip parade

20)  The frequent besmirching of Princess Leia’s reputation

21) The extraordinary jaw line of Hall

22) Elrick's argument... because facts can, and always will be debated.

<3 to you all

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